Monday, September 17, 2007


As we talk about shalom, total, holistic well-being, our intentional exercise does factor in. Sometimes we think only of the physical - the gym workout, etc., but intellectal (how many books have I read lately), social (relationships need work-outs, too), emotional (this is hard, but our feelings do matter - how are we maturing in dealing with them?) and spiritual (whether in group or private worship or personal time with God &/or the Scriptures)exercise are important also.

1 Timothy 4:8 says: For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come.

For out-of-shape people like me, this verse may give some comfort - or provide an excuse. But does it really exempt me from exercise on every level other than spiritual?

What do you think?

FYI - OOPS! After I posted this, I noticed the image did not print out. Sorry about that. Just imagine a cartoon character jumping rope - see it in your mind's eye.


Erin said...

When I hear of those who go to the gym more then 3 days a week, I tend to wonder if they are a vein person. Yes being active is important, and others might say that its all about seeing your body as a temple and such, but.... where do you draw the line? Where is being in shape going more towards vanity and inflating the flesh? I tend to get bored at the gym as there isn't anyone you can chat to. I rather use my extra time to invest in relationships. That is why I enjoy walks. Walk and still listen to someone else.

I know that still even though studying is not getting my heart rate elevated, it does give my brain a workout when it comes to understanding certain scripture.

logosexpo said...

Hi, artchick! yes, I am with you - the temptation can be to vanity. It can be so hard in our world today - all the pressure for girls to be size 0. And for what? The goal is health, right? health in all areas.
I'm also with you on the brain workout - I tend to like that better, myself. It's a good thing Scripture works on everything, though - mind, heart, soul, relationships - it's all in there.
I also agree about the relationships. And you're a good listener - that's what it's really all about, isn't it? Listening to others, listening to God. WOW! Thanks so much. :)