Thursday, September 13, 2007

Coffee Break!

So, how do you take your coffee? My particular favorite is Dunkin' Donuts French Vanilla, light and sweet.

Nothing like a cup of coffee in the morning to get you started right - but I can't afford DD every day, so I make do in my own kitchen with good old Maxwell House. Then my husband and I have some breakfast and have our devotions.

Here's a verse to remind us to take the coffee break:

'I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.' (Psalm 130:5)

Waiting in the Word - now that's a 'coffee break!'


James Brennan said...

MMM... Coffee. Hey, see if you can follow the link.

Unknown said...

Ah, coffee - the drug of choice for holy people! My favorite is DDFV as well, but hold the cream & sugar and double the caffeine. I like the warmth of the coffee almost as much as the taste. The coffee pot finishes brewing about the time I finish reading the Bible and it is time to journal my thoughts. So the warmth of the coffee helps percolate my thoughts on the Word. It's the best part of waking up....

Erin said...

So how is it that your son didn't become a coffee drinker in his young adulthood?! I'll take a water with a wedge of lemon in it, with a dash of splenda please. (poor man's lemonade)

I think my coffee isn't a drink at all, but the daily comics. I'll do my devo while at work and ponder it as I wait to get off the clock.

I know, getting up the old fashioned way is never easy.

logosexpo said...

Double caffeine, Howard? WOW! That would either send me to the moon, or put me right to sleep! You're right, though, it is the warmth. Kinda like God's love - warms you right up. I like to 'percolate' on the Word, too. Gonna try and do some of that this week on this blog. Stay tuned.
Erin, I like your creativity - don't take it literally, but metaphorically. The comics are your coffee. Works for me. But . . . devotions while you're on the clock! I'm shocked!!!:)LOL